Krishna Chaitanya
Hi I am Krishna Chaitanya, a.k.a. KC. Born and raised in an Iyengar family in Hyderabad, I was lucky enough to have spent my first 20 years in a colony where every third house belonged to either one of my aunts or mamas.
Every summer all the families came together to make multiple types of pickles, steam appadams (made out of rice, sabudana, etc), different types of fryums, many types of muruku, atleast 10 types of podis (gun powders) and all of them made in scale to ensure all the families had sufficient stock for at least the next 8-10 months. The best memory I have from all this is me along with my sister and other cousins helping my family in peeling the steamed appadam from the Badam leaf and drying it on a platform covered with a white cotton cloth and waiting for it to dry out and then fry it to taste it fresh!!! Such memories are precious.
Getting such fresh and “made with love” food has become a challenge these days and we are all getting used to the packaged food coming out of assembly lines. In fact for staple food such as Dosas, Cheelas and Idlis, getting the right quality of ingredients is challenging and the process to make these is also not as easy as we think it is.A few who know the process, do not have enough time and for those who find time, find it difficult to make consistent batters as availability of the right raw materia and the know how of the exact process is a challenge.